Google Search Console tells you what words and phrases your website ranks for (in Google) and where you rank, on average. You can use this to see if your rankings are improving over time and later to identify possible opportunities.
Google Search Console tells you what words and phrases your website ranks for (in Google) and where you rank, on average. You can use this to see if your rankings are improving over time and later to identify possible opportunities such as keywords you hadn't thought of earlier.
The set up is pretty simple once you have Google Analytics installed as we did in the previous tutorial.
This checking step is known as "checking if the website is indexed". The Google Index is all the websites that Google will consider including in its search results. The Bing Index is the same but for Bing search results.
If your website is new the chances are you are not in the Google Index yet so how can we tell Google to "come and have a look"? Here is the step by step:
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