What do search engines want from every website regardless of its content? Luckily these days it is exactly the same as what your potential Clients want. We touched on some of these earlier but here is a refresher:
What do search engines want from every website regardless of its content? Luckily these days it is exactly the same as what your potential clients want. We touched on some of these earlier but here is a refresher:
Now if you already have a website then you need to take action on these points first before you do anything else. As I said there is no point trying to Search Engine Optimize an animation studio website which is fundamentally flawed.
It's the basics that will amplify any SEO work you do later. Set up your website the right way and Search Engine Optimization will be a whole lot easier. Do it the wrong way and it will be a constant struggle with some SEO tasks proving expensive or even impossible to achieve.
This work is also going to be crucial for turning your website visitors into clients making enquiries and booking appointments. The wrong site set up leaks potential clients and wastes your SEO efforts.
The great news is you don't need to have any technical skills to make all these things happen because of instant website services that allow you to get up and running by just filling in forms and clicking buttons.
But not all of them are born equal. If SEO is your aim, then you really only have two choices:
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SEO for Animators!
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