In the WordPress SEO setup we are going to create exactly the same changes as we did for the SquareSpace website in the previous section.
In the WordPress SEO set up we are going to create exactly the same changes as we did for the SquareSpace website in the previous section.
This will give us our 4 key pages that search engines expect to see.
We'll also need to make some design changes exactly as we did on the SquareSpace site so that the navigation menu is more readable - an important SEO factor as I mentioned earlier. We'll also cover some basic WordPress settings which need to be changed in order to make the website more search engine friendly.
If you have already decided to use only SquareSpace then simply skip ahead to Choosing images for your Architectural Practice website.
We'll start with the design changes:
Now we've got rid of some of the unneeded clutter it's time to improve how the navigation menu is displayed so it is easier to read.
Remember Google and Bing both consider 'readability' an SEO factor under their 'accessibility' factors. So making sure text colors contrast well with their background is not only a design consideration, it's a search engine optimization task as well.
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SEO for Architects!
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