Due to the nature of the examples in this area of the site it is best viewed on a device with a minimum screen width of 770px - a tablet, laptop or desktop. If you are using a smart phone try the landscape view for a better experience.

Bing Webmaster Tools setup for a Bagel Shop website

Finally we need to install Bing's version of Google Search Console.

Finally we need to install Bing's version of Google Search Console.

Remember while everyone falls at the alter of Google many small businesses ignore Bing even though there are thousands of potential Customers using it. Don't make the same mistake - make sure Bing knows about your website.

First sign up for an account at https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster. When registering you can ignore the 'Add a sitemap' box and choose to verify using the meta tag as we'll do in the step-by-step below.

  1. Click Get started button.
    Bing Webmaster singup step one
  2. Choose sign in with 'Google' account.
    Bing Webmaster singup step two
  3. Next, select the Google account you want to start with.
    Bing Webmaster singup step three
  4. Add your site URL to the 'Add your site manually' box.
    Bing Webmaster singup step four
  5. Click 'Add'.
    Bing Webmaster singup step five
  6. Click 'HTML meta tag'.
    Bing Webmaster singup step six
  7. Now, click 'copy' and keep the browser open. We need to come back here to complete the vefication process.
    Bing Webmaster singup step seven

Bing will give you a block of code that looks something like this: <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="rdvtg65mjw40tj2p3">. We need to insert this into our website and again we'll do it without needing to know any coding with the following step-by-step guides.

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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SEO for Bagel Shop Owners!

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