Sitemaps are special files that you can upload to Google and Bing which list all the pages on your website and inexperienced Search Engine Optimizers will jump around and tell you it's a must do activity.
Sitemaps are special files that you can upload to Google and Bing which list all the pages on your website and inexperienced Search Engine Optimizers will jump around and tell you it's a must do activity.
But if you have a standard Ballet School website it's only going to have a few pages on it - the home page, a page or some pages about your various Ballet School, perhaps a page with testimonials on it and a page with contact details.
Tell Google about one of those pages (which you will have done when you registered with Google Search Console in Step Two) and it will find the rest immediately.
Sitemaps are for highly complex websites where the crawler robots from Google or Bing might get bogged down 'over there' when you need them to see the new content 'over here'.
Once again banging on about Sitemaps is the rhetoric of those who understand SEO theory but don't do it in real life for Ballet Schools.