Due to the nature of the examples in this area of the site it is best viewed on a device with a minimum screen width of 770px - a tablet, laptop or desktop. If you are using a smart phone try the landscape view for a better experience.

Google Analytics setup for a Bicycle Repair Shop website

This free service from Google will tell you how many people visit your site - by hour, by day, by week or by month. It will tell you how they found the site and what they do when they arrive there

This free service from Google will tell you how many people visit your site - by hour, by day, by week or by month. It will tell you how they found the site and what they do when they arrive there.

Google Analytics Logo
For visitor monitoring and a ready supply of future SEO ideas, utilise Google Analytics

You can even create specific monitors such as counting the number of people who get as far as your contact page.

In the longer term it will create a history of data that can be used to identify where improvements on your site can be made.

To get this working we need to get a small snippet of code from Google and add it to our website without doing any 'coding' ourselves.

To add Google analytics on your site, you need a google account. If you have one, skip the sign up procedure of google account.
  1. Go to the https://accounts.google.com/signin and click 'Create account'.
    Google account creation step one
  2. Click 'Myself'.
    Google account creation step two
  3. Fill up the details and Click 'Next' button.
    Google account creation step three
  4. Add more details here and click 'Next' button.
    Google account creation step four
  5. Scroll down. Click on the 'I agree' button.
    Google account creation step fiv
  6. That's it. Google account is now created.
    Google account creation step six

Once you have opened your Google account the next step is to signup at 'Google Analytics':

The rest of this content is in the ebook

Buy it now with instant pdf download and unlock all the secrets of
SEO for Bicycle Repair Shop Owners!

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