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What is the most Search Engine Optimizable Blacksmithing Workshop website?

Thanks to the work you have done so far we have the structure of a website in place. You could call it the Christmas Tree ready and waiting for the decorations. Let's make it sparkle!

Thanks to the work you have done so far we have the structure of a website in place. You could call it the Christmas Tree ready and waiting for the decorations. Let's make it sparkle!

We need to make search engines confident that you are who you say you are and you are located where you say you are located. Without this you are unlikely to rank and worse still, any potential clients who do find your website through other means won't feel confident to visit your store.

Angry Google and Bing Bots
Search engines are cynical beasts because there are so many spammers out there. They take some persuading!

Everything I'm going to cover here assumes you've read STEP ONE : Setting up a Search Engine Optimizable Blacksmithing Workshop Website and implemented the actions. If you haven't set up your website this way you're going to be doing SEO with one hand tied behind your back and a lot of what I'll explain from here won't make sense or you won't be able to implement it.

So in short order your website should be either:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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