Right, be it Squarespace or WordPress your website is now set up ... or perhaps your websites are now set up if you are currently experimenting with both. But they need structure!
Right, be it Squarespace or WordPress your website is now set up ... or perhaps your websites are now set up if you are currently experimenting with both. But they need structure.
We're going to add specific pages not just because they make sense but because when a search engine finds a website claiming to be about a blast cleaning service they are going to expect to find these pages and they are going to expect to find certain types of information on each of these pages.
We'll come to those types of information shortly but the point I'm making here is if you try to be too clever with your website design and layout you can often shoot yourself in the foot on the SEO side.
One of the most common mistakes here is to have a single page website. While this can work it is not optimal for SEO.
Remember search engines are very cynical. Every day people make websites that they claim to be are about X but are in fact about something else. They'll launch what they claim to be a blast cleaning service but in reality it promotes gambling or has adult content ... or even worse virus content!
The right structure and the right information within that structure is all part of our work to persuade Google and Bing that we are genuine. That this really is a blast cleaning service website. Without achieving this we won't even make it past first base. The search engines will simply ignore you.
The first step is to create the basics for a standard blast cleaning service website (we can get fancy later). You need:
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SEO for Blast Cleaning Service Providers!
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