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Make your entities salient

You've now finished creating a Butcher's Store website with great content for potential Customers. Let's SEO it!

You've now finished creating a Butcher's Store website with great content for potential customers. Let's SEO it!

Remember our goal here is to persuade search engines that you have a Butcher's Store in a particular location but to achieve that you need to understand how Google and Bing think. They use a process known as Entity Salience Analysis when deciding what a website is about. Don't worry, it's not that technical!

With Entity Salience Analysis search engines look at multiple signals coming from each of your pages and from your website as a whole. The more of these signals that there are and the closer they match each other, or build on each other, the more confident Google and Bing become that you are who you say you are - a Butcher's Store in a particular area of the country.

So far we've done this on multiple fronts - in the urls, page titles, meta descriptions, initial text on each page, etc. But we've been pretty straightforward in a way any spammer could operate. Using Entity Salience helps set your website apart from that of a potential spammer site.

Let's start with how it works. Entities fall into two parts:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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