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Checking for readability

OK, we're now at the point where you have images and text on your pages and the text is rich in words that are associated with Camera Repair Shops.

OK, we're now at the point where you have images and text on your pages and the text is rich in words that are associated with Camera Repair Shops.

Obviously, its a good idea to read through what you have written for typos and places where it makes no sense but you should also be looking at the overall presentation using something we call 'chunking'. Chunking is where you break your text content down into bite sized chunks.

By that I mean, firstly, short paragraphs. Look at how all the major news sites (BBC / CNN / etc.) present their texts ... very short paragraphs. Sometimes they will have a paragraph that is only one sentence long.

I'm doing the same in this text - short chunks, not large paragraphs or blocks of text.

Secondly, look to see where you could use bold text. Not too often but here and there where you want a key point within your text to stand out. I did this in the first paragraph to explain what 'chunking' is.

Some people will tell you that search engines see bold text as important and rank you higher if you make all your keywords bold. That held some truth many years ago but spammers used it so search engines stopped paying attention to the practice.

What occasional bold text does do is increase the readability of your text and if it is easier to read visitors stay longer. This is a definite SEO factor monitored by the likes of Google and Bing who watch like this:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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