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Adding your location the SEO way

As I've mentioned earlier our key goal is for Google and Bing to understand what you do and where you are. So let's start with the latter - making it clear where you are.

As I've mentioned earlier our key goal is for Google and Bing to understand what you do and where you are. So let's start with the latter - making it clear where you are.

Most Cardiologists will create a contact page on their site with their location and hope for the best. That's not enough when it comes to SEO, especially if you want to capture potential Patients in areas that surround your address.

Remember we covered how to choose your "location" earlier in the course in the tutorial What is SEO for Cardiology Practices?

Here I'll show you how to send that signal to search engines clearly.

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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SEO for Cardiologists!

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