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Keyword Tools for Carpet Cleaning Service websites

I covered how to choose your keywords and why to ignore keyword tools at the start of the course but it really is worth repeating again in the 'myths'.

I covered how to choose your keywords and why to ignore keyword tools at the start of the course but it really is worth repeating again in the 'myths'.

Telling you the keywords you need to rank for is big business so the idea that you need to buy or subscribe to a keyword tool is a myth propagated by those who provide those tools.

These keyword tools gather 'some' data from the internet but it is always hopelessly incomplete both in the keywords themselves and other vital information such as how often those keywords are searched.

As a SEO agency I have access to Google's own keyword planner and I can tell you from experience that even this is pretty bad.

I can look at the Google Search Console for a particular website and see a particular phrase is searched hundreds of times a month. Then I look up that exact same phrase in the Google Keyword Planner and am told it is never searched!

Keyword planners often do you more harm than good. They give you a false sense of security that you have got your bases covered or they send you off trying to create content to rank for a phrase that actually has no value at all to you.

Finding the keyword phrases you need to target is a matter of common sense and freely available data which I'll show you how to use now.

The Common Sense

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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