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Getting Online Reviews for your Craft Store

There are endless places where people leave reviews but I'd focus first on the one that really matters, Google Reviews.

There are endless places where people leave reviews but I'd focus first on the one that really matters, Google Reviews.

This is because that's the one Google's going to be looking at most when considering both your website rankings in general and your rankings on their maps.

They also won't hound you with sales calls as Yelp! and some others tend to do because they have no 'Premium' option for you to trade up to.

Getting reviews is essential to Local SEO

But how to get those 5 star feedbacks?

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to get a link that you can include in SMSs and emails that will take customers straight to a page where they can leave a Google review.

I'll also be showing you how I use this link with other third party tools to create a very effective 'review harvesting' process.

To start with you are going to need:

  • The simple link that you can add to emails or SMSs so customers can simply click or tap and leave their opinion.
  • A QR code graphic that customers can scan with their smartphones and acts the same as the link above.

Let's start with the link and then I'll walk you through QR codes and how to use them.

To get the link

The rest of this content is in the ebook

Buy it now with instant pdf download and unlock all the secrets of
SEO for Craft Store Owners!

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