OK - we've seen how you can get to the top of Google's search results by ranking highly in Google Maps. But there may be some searches where a map does not show and we just see a listing of websites
OK - we've seen how you can get to the top of Google's search results by ranking highly in Google Maps. But there may be some searches where a map does not show and we just see a listing of websites.
For some searches your website is just never going to rank at the top of Google or Bing - I'll explain why in a moment ... you might not even rank in the first 100 results. But what if you could have links to your website on the website pages which are in Google's top results?
This is known as 'Barnacle SEO'. Barnacles are known for 'hanging on to things' without damaging them. Sometimes they even benefit the things they are hanging on to by cleaning them up! They'll hang on to ships or a crab as a way to get where they want to go.
So if we can stick our website onto websites that are at the top of Google and Bing we'll get potential cutlery store customers that way as well. And those websites that we're sticking onto get better, more comprehensive content so it's a win-win.
It's usually not as difficult as you might think. So often Google's top results are:
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SEO for Cutlery Store Owners!
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