Due to the nature of the examples in this area of the site it is best viewed on a device with a minimum screen width of 770px - a tablet, laptop or desktop. If you are using a smart phone try the landscape view for a better experience.

Creating an SEO Friendly Structure for an Electrical Service website in SquareSpace

Here we'll go through how to set up a SquareSpace website the right way. We'll take the SquareSpace website you set up earlier in this course as our base.

Here we'll go through how to set up a SquareSpace website the right way. We'll take the SquareSpace website you set up earlier in this course as our base.

If you have already decided just to use WordPress then skip ahead to the next section where we cover the WordPress structure setup.

This step by step guide will show you how to create the four key pages needed for an SEO friendly electrical service website.

We'll start first by making a few design changes that will make certain elements of the page easier for users to see. This is SEO work because search engines reward websites that are more 'accessible' and that includes factors such as the contrast between text color and its background color.

SSquareSpace Step by Step
  1. Open https://account.squarespace.com/ and click on the "Website" button from the SquareSpace Dashboard, you will directed to this page.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step one
  2. Click on Pages
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step two
  3. We're going to change the navigation menu background first so it is easier to read. This is an SEO factor so click Edit.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step three
  4. Hover on header and click on the EDIT SITE HEADER button.
    SquareSpace header setup step four
  5. Click Style
    SquareSpace header setup step five
  6. Next, click Dynamic
    SquareSpace header setup step six
  7. Then, click Solid and that will change the navigation menu background to white.
    SquareSpace header setup step seven
  8. Click Back
    SquareSpace header setup step eight

Now let's remove some of the content we won't be needing:

SSquareSpace Step by Step
  1. To hide "Take on Action" button Click Elements.
    SquareSpace header setup step nine
  2. Click on the icon to switch off and remove the "Take Action" button.
    SquareSpace header setup step ten
  3. Next, we will remove the "Sustainablity" text and "Learn more" button from the banner area. To remove text, click on the text.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step eleven
  4. Select the text and hit Backspace on the keyboard to delete it.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step twelve
  5. Then, we need to remove the 'Learn more' button from the banner area. click on the Learn more button.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step thirteen
  6. Click Delete icon. In the popup window, click 'Delete' to confirm.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step fourteen
  7. Hover over the text and double-click on it.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step fourteen
  8. Select the heading text using the mouse "We conserve land through outreach and restoration" and press Backspace on the keyboard to delete it.
    Preonus Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step fourteen
  9. To save the changes, on the top left corner hover on Done and click Save.
    Electrical Service
    SquareSpace header setup step fifteen

What we're left with is a much cleaner site with less noise. One that is a much better basis on which to build your website.

Next, we need to create the pages that you need.

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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SEO for Electricians!

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