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Good meta descriptions for Interior Design Studios websites

Totally ignored by search engines and often ignored by Search Engine Optimizers who don't know what they are doing ... the meta description is really, really important.

Totally ignored by search engines and often ignored by Search Engine Optimizers who don't know what they are doing ... the meta description is really, really important.

Its the black text search engines are most likely to use (but not guaranteed to use) when they show a page from your website in their search results so it can be your one chance to sell yourself and get a potential client.

Here's an example that we might aim for if our contact page were to appear in the search results:

https://preonusinteriordesignstudio.com > contact-preonus-woodydales-favorite-interior design studio
Contact Woodydale's Favorite Interior Design Studio
At Preonus Interior Design Studio we're known for our outstanding interior design services and are proud to serve Woodydale since 2012. Call us toll free on 800-800-8000 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

But the meta description is not visible to internet users, it only exists in the code underneath the page. So how can we get the likes of Google and Bing to use it?

Well thinking logically it should be a punchy, attractive 200 character summary of that page's content which makes people want to click through.

Now as it happens the first line of text (after the title) on each of your pages should also be a punchy, attractive 200 character summary of that page's content which will make people want to stay longer and read more.

Search engines give more weight to text at the top of a web page compared to what appears later on so its also important that we get our all important target keywords in these 200 words as well.

Text like "At Preonus Interior Design Studio we're known for our outstanding interior design services and are proud to serve Woodydale since 2012. Call us toll free on 800-800-8000 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm" does all these things:

  • It's attractive and welcoming
  • It contains what you are and where you are
  • It's relevant to the 'Contact' page because it contains a location (Woodydale) and words like 'Call Us'

Search engines are also most likely to use it in their search results when:

  • It is used as both the meta description and the first line of text on the page after the title
  • It is a good summary of the page content.

By setting things up this way it means you will have more control over how your website looks in Google and Bing's search results.

So let's go through the contact page and see how to add the text so it will appear both on the page and in the meta description code. We'll do this first for a SquareSpace site and then for WordPress.

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