Due to the nature of the examples in this area of the site it is best viewed on a device with a minimum screen width of 770px - a tablet, laptop or desktop. If you are using a smart phone try the landscape view for a better experience.

Pingdom Setup for an Interior Design Studio website

Remember way back at the beginning when I wrote about 'what a website needs to be' one of the key factors I mentioned was reliability. Websites that are regularly offline are the definition of 'unreliable'.

Remember way back at the beginning when I wrote about 'what a website needs to be' one of the key factors I mentioned was reliability. Websites that are regularly offline are the definition of 'unreliable'.

Google and Bing don't want to show websites high up in their rankings if, when someone clicks through, they get a message that the website is down (or even worse there is just a blank screen). They know it reflects badly on them as a search engine and they, just like you, don't want to lose their users to the competition.

Pingdom Page Speed Dashboard
Pingdom is the monitor which will tell you that your website is alive and well 24/7/365

Pingdom is a 3rd party online service which sends a 'ping' to your website every few minutes. It basically checks if it can open a page on your website. If it can't it makes a note of this which you can review in the Pingdom admin center.

You can also set Pingdom up to notify you if your website is down for a prolonged period of time - say more than 5 minutes.

Of the tools I'll be covering this is the only one that's not free but it's the best on the market, very effective and a small price to pay for peace of mind that site reliability is not holding back your rankings.

Again, I'll point out, I'm not an affiliate, I don't get any kickback from Pingdom if you use them. I'm recommending them because I use them myself.

So let's get Pingdom set up so it starts monitoring your website right now.

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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SEO for Interior Designers!

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