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Creating a Google Business Profile for a Podiatry Practice

I've lost count of the businesses owners I've met who approach Google Business Profiles in a half-hearted 'OK, I'll just get my business on there because I have to'.

I've lost count of the businesses owners I've met who approach Google Business Profiles in a half-hearted "OK, I'll just get my business on there because I have to".

Profiles like this - and others which we will cover later - are key not only to your website SEO efforts but to the bottom line of your business.

A huge amount of Google searches for a Podiatry Practice like yours will lead to Google showing a map at the top of the search results ... and underneath it 3 Podiatry Practices. Bing does the same. If you can be one of these top 3 you are basically at the top of Google's search results!

What's more an increasing number of people are going straight to Google maps to find local businesses so even if your website is ranking high in a normal Google search you are missing a big opportunity if you are not at the top of the results on the Google Maps platform.

And one final point - a strong profile gives Google and Bing more confidence in your website - that you are who you say you are and you do what you say you do. As such the profile listing and the website rub off against each other. "Two logs burn hotter than one" as they say.

So how do you get up to the top of those map rankings?

It isn't rocket science but it isn't always immediately obvious either:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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SEO for Podiatrists!

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