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SEO keyword phrases for Clothing Alteration Shops

In the previous tutorial we looked at the SEO aims of a Clothing Alteration Shop. This included how we want the business to look in the search results and the geographical area we want to target.

In this section we'll cover:

  • What are your keyword phrases
  • What phrases not to waste time chasing
  • Why you don't need to pay for any keyword tools

So in the previous section one of the examples we looked at was a Clothing Alteration Shop located in Homer, Alaska

Choosing keywords for SEO
Knowing what you want can realistically rank for in Google and Bing is the first step in SEO

We saw that a business like this would want to rank for:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

Buy it now with instant pdf download and unlock all the secrets of
SEO for Tailors!

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