Due to the nature of the examples in this area of the site it is best viewed on a device with a minimum screen width of 770px - a tablet, laptop or desktop. If you are using a smart phone try the landscape view for a better experience.

Choosing images for your Window Cleaning Service website

Obviously an all text website is going to look pretty dry and uninviting. You'll be needing some images.

Obviously an all text website is going to look pretty dry and uninviting. You'll be needing some images.

In the following tutorials we're going to cover:

  • What images are the most affective.
  • How to create your own images or source them from elsewhere without ever needing to get in front of a camera.
  • How to prepare the images so they are optimized for a website.
Choosing images on a tablet
The wrong images, or poorly prepared images, can kill your SEO. Invest time in getting them right.

Effective images for a Window Cleaning Service website

If your pages are going to look great then your images need to look great. In an ideal world you'll have some excellent pictures of you or your team at work.

The ones which carry the most power are:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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SEO for Window Cleaners!

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