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Image ALT tags for Bar websites

If you've never heard of the 'ALT' tag then read on. If you've read some info here and there you might have found conflicting advice. We'll clear it all up here!

If you've never heard of the 'ALT' tag then read on. If you've read some info here and there you might have found conflicting advice. We'll clear it all up here!

In these steps I'm also going to talk about 'ALT' text and how to add it. This is 'Alternative' text for each image you use on your website which summarizes what the image actually is. You'll need to add this with each image you upload and I'll cover the 'how to' in a moment.

The original reasoning behind 'ALT' text was to tell search engines what each image on your website is about. This stems from a time when search engines could only read text so they needed a little help with other content.

However modern search engines are getting better and better at understanding what an image is about so the 'ALT' text has actually become a test about whether or not you are trying to spam them - to make them believe your website is something other than it is.

Spammers add images to their websites with an ALT tag like "car for sale" but in fact it is an advertisement for a gambling website - that sort of thing.

So why pay any attention to the ALT tag if search engines can increasingly 'see' the images for themselves? Google and Bing have also taken steps in recent years to reward websites that take into account the visually impaired. It is part of what they refer to as their 'accessability' test. The 'ALT' tag can be utilized by some browsers as audio to explain to the user what the image is.

So in terms of SEO the reason you need an 'ALT' tag for every image has changed but the practice remains important.

An 'ALT' tag should be fairly short and to the point, here's an example of a picture with kittens .. because everybody loves kittens.

Now imagine you are trying to SEO a page for the keyword 'kitten food'

These kittens loved our new range of Munchy kitten food

Here are some examples of what makes for Good or Bad Alt text:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

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