Now you might think - 'Hey, who uses Bing?'. Well a lot of people do and as you have just put so much effort into your Google Business Profile, setting up Bing Places is just a copy and paste job!
Now you might think - 'Hey, who uses Bing?'. Well a lot of people do and as you have just put so much effort into your Google Business Profile, setting up Bing Places is just a copy and paste job!.
Bing is underestimated by many small businesses - both the search engine and Bing Places. You can take advantage of this because there is far less competition so don't ignore an opportunity.
Furthermore, even if only 5% of your potential Clients use Bing Places that's a fair chunk of people. Remember at the start of the tutorial we looked at targeting an area with about 30,000 people? Well 5% is 1,500 potential Clients that you can't ignore!
To copy over your Google Business listing to Bing Places just follow the 8 steps below:
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