Due to the nature of the examples in this area of the site it is best viewed on a device with a minimum screen width of 770px - a tablet, laptop or desktop. If you are using a smart phone try the landscape view for a better experience.

Creating content for your Cooking School website

Now we'll cover how to fill out the rest of the content on your website before moving on to several steps in which we polish it up

If you've never heard of the 'ALT' tag then read on. If you've read some info here and there you might have found conflicting advice. We'll clear it all up here!

At this point you have:

  • A website that is secure, fast and reliable
  • A website with a solid SEO structure
  • A website that contains clear signals to Google and Bing about your location
  • SEO friendly page titles, urls, meta descriptions and opening text on each page.
  • Images that have been optimized so they won't slow your website down (negative SEO).

You know:

  • How to move around the website in the design (back end) area
  • how to add or replace images as well as text

So now it's time to fill out the rest of the website content. We'll do this in two steps:

The rest of this content is in the ebook

Buy it now with instant pdf download and unlock all the secrets of
SEO for Cooking Instructors!

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