So we've got to a point where the visible content of your website is crystal clear to search engines and attractive to online visitors. Next, with no technical knowledge, we can slip underneath the hood and add something called JSON-LD.
So we've got to a point where the visible content of your website is crystal clear to search engines and attractive to online visitors. Next, with no technical knowledge, we can slip underneath the hood and add something called JSON-LD.
JSON-LD is a block of code that is placed in your website code. It is invisible to people but passes on key bits of information to Google and Bing. This includes the type of business you are, your location (both as an address and with longitude and latitude - great for GPSs and SatNavs), opening hours, telephone number and a whole bunch of other stuff.
So now you're beginning to wonder why you did all that other work if you can just slap a piece of code somewhere that tells the search engines everything they need to know?
Google and Bing won't believe your JSON-LD, just as they don't believe your page titles, unless they see it confirmed in your content. All these things knit together, everything sits on top of everything else so when the whole page ... and even the whole website ... is bought together search engines say "OK, this website is definitely for a pub in Woodydale". JSON LD is one more feather in your cap.
You can see some great general examples of JSON-LD code blocks at but as you see it can be pretty overwhelming in all the detail. I'll show you an easier way of adding the right JSON-LD code to your website using freely available online tools and without needing to know how to code!
Buy it now with instant pdf download and unlock all the secrets of
SEO for Pub Landlords!
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