Right, you have four pages (perhaps a couple more). Your home page will have a URL like 'https://mydomainname.com/'.
Right, you have four pages (perhaps a couple more). Your home page will have a URL like 'https://mydomainname.com/'.
Your other pages will have URLs like 'https://mydomainname.com/something/' - the 'something' bit is often referred to as the slug and that's what we are interested in.
The slug should always be lower case and spaces replaced with '-'. Some simply delete the spaces however remember that the url shows in search results so its better that it is easily readable.
I'm going to cover what the slug and title should be for each page on your site and how you can make these changes yourself with step by step screenshot guides.
So looking at your contact page first. The slug is /contact/ and the main title visitors see is something like 'Contact' That's what most businesses have but these titles and slugs don't help a search engine much and they place weight on these areas. Better would be:
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