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Get the internet working for your Appliance Store in 2024 for just $9.99

Published August 15, 2023

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No Coding

You won't need to know any code

No Expensive Tools

No costly tools required

No Blogging

You won't need to dream up endless articles

No Link Building

You won't need to go begging for links

No Social Media

No need to maintain endless profiles

No YouTube Mastery

You won't need to be a YouTube expert

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Full Step-By-Step Tutorials for WordPress and SquareSpace

Google and Bing Compliant SEO • WordPress and SquareSpace Compatible

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Course Contents

  • About SEO for Appliance Store Owners
  • What is SEO for Appliance Stores?
  • SEO keyword phrases for Appliance Stores
STEP ONE: Setting up a Search Engine Optimizable Appliance Store website
  • The Best Domain Names for Appliance Store websites
  • Top Level Website Requirements for SEO
  • Squarespace for Appliance Store websites
  • WordPress and BlueHost for Appliance Store websites
  • Squarespace or WordPress for your Appliance Store Website
  • SquareSpace Set Up Basics for Appliance Stores
  • WordPress Set Up Basics for Appliance Stores
  • SEO Friendly Website Structuring for Appliance Stores
  • Creating an SEO Friendly Structure for an Appliance Store website in SquareSpace
  • Creating an SEO Friendly Structure for an Appliance Store website in WordPress
  • Choosing images for your Appliance Store website
  • Stock photos for Appliance Stores websites
  • Optimizing images before loading to your website
  • Adding images to your Appliance Store website
STEP TWO: Search Engine Optimizing your Appliance Store website
  • What is the most Search Engine Optimizable Appliance Store website?
  • Adding your location the SEO way
  • Optimizing URLs and page titles for an Appliance Store website
  • Good meta descriptions for Appliance Stores websites
  • Image ALT tags for Appliance Store websites
  • Creating content for your Appliance Store website
  • Make your entities salient
  • Checking for readability
  • Adding JSON to an Appliance Store website
STEP THREE: SEO monitoring for Appliance Store websites
  • Pingdom Setup for an Appliance Store website
  • Google Analytics setup for an Appliance Store website
  • Google Search Console setup for an Appliance Store website
  • Bing Webmaster Tools setup for an Appliance Store website
STEP FOUR: The Wider Web for Appliance Stores
  • Creating a Google Business Profile for an Appliance Store
  • Creating a Bing Places Profile for an Appliance Store
  • Getting Online Reviews for your Appliance Store
  • Barnacle SEO for Appliance Stores
  • Navigating the Social Media Maze for Appliance Store Owners
STEP FIVE: Busting Appliance Store SEO Myths
  • Appliance Store Blogging
  • Site Map Submission
  • Link Building and Content Marketing
  • Keyword Tools for Appliance Store websites

Get the internet working for your Appliance Store in 2024 for just $9.99

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Tim Hill SEO

I'm Tim Hill, Owner and Founder of the Link2Light SEO and Online Marketing Agency.

I created this course for Acupuncturists who want to do their own SEO at their own speed and stay in full control of the process.

All the information in this resource are actions my agency carries out for clients, this is real world SEO, not theory. Buy now and start your journey!

Full Step By Step Tutorials

Every step of the SEO journey is covered with step by step tutorials that walk you through the process with screenshots. Just follow along in real time and build your SEO friendly Appliance Store website.

No code to learn, no technical skills needed

We'll show you the online platforms that take care of the coding so you don't have to. SEO for Appliance Store Owners is a knowledge resource that requires no previous experience.

Save on SEO Agency Costs

SEO agencies charge thousands of dollars to search engine optimize pages. Access everything they know here at a fraction of the cost.

Ready to get going?

Buy Now ($9.99) Hire Help

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