Here we'll go through how to set up a SquareSpace website the right way. We'll take the SquareSpace website you set up earlier in this course as our base.
Here we'll go through how to set up a SquareSpace website the right way. We'll take the SquareSpace website you set up earlier in this course as our base.
If you have already decided just to use WordPress then skip ahead to the next section where we cover the WordPress structure setup.
This step by step guide will show you how to create the four key pages needed for an SEO friendly appliance store website.
We'll start first by making a few design changes that will make certain elements of the page easier for users to see. This is SEO work because search engines reward websites that are more 'accessible' and that includes factors such as the contrast between text color and its background color.
Now let's remove some of the content we won't be needing:
What we're left with is a much cleaner site with less noise. One that is a much better basis on which to build your website.
Next, we need to create the pages that you need.
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SEO for Appliance Store Owners!
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